Why an estate plan?
Securing Your Future
Our firm can help you create a Lifetime Security Blanket for your loved ones for many generations to come. This wealth-preservation and asset protection device can be achieved by forming a Qualified Perpetual Trust and appointing an Independent Trustee to have full discretion over distributions of assets to your beneficiaries.
A Qualified Perpetual Trust permits discretionary distributions of income and principal for an infinite number of generations to come. Appointing an Independent Trustee to act under the Qualified Perpetual Trust is one of the strongest asset protections strategies to protect future generations from losing their inheritance to their creditors and predators. During the time that the distributions of assets are under full discretion of an Independent Trustee, the trust assets are insulated from the beneficiaries' creditors and divorcing spouses. If there is no Independent Trustee, there are restrictions on the purposes for which distributions may be made and the assets of the trust could be exposed to bankruptcy, divorce, lawsuits, and other creditors.
Estate planning involves putting your affairs in order so as to maximize the benefits that your assets can provide to you during your lifetime and to those you desire to benefit after death.
We All Have Common Goals
Upon death/disability- minimize taxes, expenses and delay in use of money.
Avoid loss of control- choose whom we want to handle our affairs and give them the necessary authority to act without involving a court.
Maintain family privacy- it's nobody's business if you treat your kids differently or if they can't receive their money unless they get sober for 6 years!
Leave the maximum amount for those we leave behind to assure their financial security- we work hard to accumulate and we all want to leave our kids better off then we were.
Protect what we leave our children from their creditors, predators and bad spouses while also allowing the funds we leave to be used in a flexible way, for more than just "health, education, and support in reasonable comfort" (as defined by the IRS)
Avoid conflicts among our heirs- choose who gets our assets, who gets the family business or who will run it
Avoid necessity of selling assets to pay estate taxes
Create a Lifetime Security Blanket so that our money can be used by our loved ones in the same way we would use it for them if we were still alive!